Human Lives Human Rights: There is no doubt that the Russian invasion of Ukraine has caused a variety of changes in Europe, but now that the news of weapons of mass destruction has been revealed in Ukraine, it has caused more fear and panic in Europe.
It is more than two months ago that the news of the discovery of US secret biological research centers in Ukraine came as a shocking news during the time of war and surprised everyone.
In early 2018, AFP 24 reported that Russia had announced that the United States had set up secret biological laboratories in Ukraine and Georgia to test microbial and biological weapons in these laboratories, but officials of all three countries denied the allegations, citing Russia’s threat of weapons of mass destruction.
Prior to the war, whenever White House officials sought to exert special pressure on the Kremlin, they raised the issue of weapons of mass destruction, while the Russians used the issue of secret US biological laboratories in Europe as a means of defense, but neither side provided any evidence to prove their claims until the discovery of several such complexes in Ukraine by Russia, the parity changed dramatically, and Europe became increasingly aware and felt the danger of war.
To put it more clearly, the people of Europe are not like the people of the Middle East who are used to the weird and scary news about war and the fear of using weapons of mass destruction on the Green Continent could suddenly wreak havoc on the entire European economy.
Another point is that US and Russian officials in their war of words are constantly talking about the imminence of nuclear attacks and the possibility of the start of World War III, which is also very interesting and important in its kind. In fact, since the Cuban Missile Crisis in the Cold War era, there has not been much talk of world war and nuclear attacks at this level, but this blatant terminology used by Kremlin officials and the White House can at least have a direct effect on eradicating reducing the of mischievousness of such actions.
Nabil Fahmi, an experienced reporter of The Independent says:
The most dangerous consequence of the recent events in Ukraine is that the current international system, at least as far as the great powers of the United States, Russia and China are concerned, is entering a period of reorganization that is likely to last and witness various security and economic conflicts.
Another dangerous security consequence of the Ukraine war is that officials of both sides are talking about World War III and the nuclear attack.
In such a situation, the access of nuclear weapons by nations in various forms and the threat of their use has once again become a possibility. Even in Ukraine, which once hosted the Soviet Union’s nuclear weapons, there is the news of the possibility of the West building biological weapons or of Russia using tactical nuclear weapons, and it is no coincidence that North Korea is working to develop its missile capabilities at this time.
However, the consequences of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine are not limited to the issue of rising food prices and rising energy prices, it is gradually showing more scope, which is much more complex and dangerous than the issue of food and energy supply.